20 March 2004


It's part of life's misteries... there are things that you crave badly, people that you love secretly, things that you'll do that will never fly. And you try to work things out, deep in your heart, you think there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but it's just a flourescent sign that flashes CLOSED. You keep trying, because you aren't the only or the first one in that situation.

You have heard many times, that everything's possible. You drive yourself crazy in a bubble of maybes and hopes and fantasies that aren't but unreal and created by you to feel better about your pathetic state of being. Living with your dreams, not with the present. Living with people that aren't made to like you, living in frustration, closed to possibilities to new emotions, to new devotions... That's what I call masoquism. Everyone, somehow, at some point in their life, has drowned in their own ocean. If you can't have it all, just take what's given to you and if it doesn't float, then give it to somebody else.

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